Le Blog de Dollsdeger et Jack


Milan is the largest metropolis in Italy and will host the 2026 Winter Olympics together with Cortina; it is a world-famous cultural and historical city with many places of interest worth visiting


Mon quotidien
How do you clean TPE sex dolls?

Mes rendez-vous
How do I clean my sex doll's intimate area?
Sex dolls can help deal with anxiety
Milan travel trip

Les échographies
Advantages of sex dolls
Saxophone types
Milan travel trip
Milan travel trip

Les achats
Heavy metal music instrument

Le jour J
S-TPE material: a new weapon for WM Doll
How to care for a sex doll wig?
Misconceptions about real dolls
Can dolls help reduce porn use?
Comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of TPE sex dolls and silicone sex dolls

How can I dispose of used sex dolls?

How can I dispose of used sex dolls?
Whether you've grown tired of your Sexpuppe, it's served its purpose, or for some other non-traditional reason, you've probably thought about how to dispose of used sex dolls. thought about it, right? There have to be moments like this, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this article. Aside from the simplest solution of throwing a life-sized sex doll in the trash and risking being laughed at by the neighbors, there are also other ways to get rid of sex dolls without destroying them. In this article, we'll show you a few very simple and creative ways to dispose of your Love Doll discreetly, and we'll show you two things you should never do when dealing with your beloved partner.

Sell your old sex dolls
What is trash for one person can be treasure for another, right? Just because you're tired of it doesn't mean it no longer has meaning in the world. Other people may appreciate her very much because she is a beautiful and sexy goddess. This is the best thing you can do for your Beste Sexpuppen because everyone benefits from this transaction. You can recover some of your money and another person (preferably a non-conformist) can get sex dolls at a lower price than if they had purchased on the site. However, there are two things you need to do before making a deal :

1. Clean your dolls thoroughly
Selling dirty sex dolls to someone is not only a despicable act but can also endanger their health. The risk of spreading disease and becoming infected is always present and can be a major problem. You should tell the person you are selling your Große Sexpuppen to that you have cleaned it thoroughly and advise them to clean it again before using it.

2. Make buyers aware of any defects, stains and damage
This can potentially affect the price you charge for the sex doll. However, you can always reach a fair agreement with the buyer through communication. The most important thing is: If the Mittlere Brust Sexpuppen you sell has physical defects, such as: Such as makeup stains, skin blemishes, damaged nipples, etc., please be sure to tell her openly whether all functions are normal. This is necessary for honest transactions.

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Love Doll
(cliquez ici pour suivre le lien)

Beste Sexpuppen
(cliquez ici pour suivre le lien)

Große Sexpuppen
(cliquez ici pour suivre le lien)

Mittlere Brust Sexpuppen
(cliquez ici pour suivre le lien)
Message déposé le 31.01.2024 à 09:06 - Commentaires (0)

 Livre d'Or


Tous les messages
S-TPE material: a new weapon for WM Doll
Advantages of sex dolls
How to care for a sex doll wig?
How do I clean my sex doll's intimate area?
How do you clean TPE sex dolls?
How can I dispose of used sex dolls?
Misconceptions about real dolls
Sex dolls can help deal with anxiety
Heavy metal music instrument
Saxophone types
Can dolls help reduce porn use?
Comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of TPE sex dolls and silicone sex dolls
Milan travel trip
Milan travel trip
Milan travel trip

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