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The moon is metal as hell
How Magna works

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New experimental black widow venom antidote uses human antibodies

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Warning for modern oceans

Sleepy and snoring? You may have sleep apnea
Tens of millions of people in the U.S. and hundreds of millions of people worldwide are likely missing out on a crucial piece of health information–one that could impact their risk of Alzheimer’s, heart disease, hypertension, and change their quality of life.manga sexpuppen Sleep apnea is estimated to affect up to one billion people around the globe, but “probably fewer than 10% are diagnosed and treated,” says Atul Malhotra, Vice Chair of Medicine and a research chief for sleep medicine and pulmonary critical care at the University of California, San Diego. Which is a shame, because diagnosis and treatment can have “transformative benefits,” he tells Popular Science.Dicke Sexpuppen
Sleep apnea is one of the most common sleep disorders, but research suggests it has wide ranging consequences, recognizing it can be a challenge, and common misconceptions might prevent sufferers from seeking treatment.Lebensechte Sexpuppen Here’s what you should know, according to sleep medicine experts.

What is sleep apnea?
Apnea literally means a temporary stop to breathing. For a formal definition of sleep apnea, these cessations in airflow need to last at least 10 seconds and occur a minimum of five times every hour. The severity of a case of sleep apnea is defined by the number of apneas that happen per hour.Asian Sex Dolls Mild cases are considered 5-15 pauses in breathing, moderate is between 15 and 30, and above 30 is considered severe, says Indira Gurubhagavatula, a professor of medicine at the University of Pennsylvania and a member of the board of directors of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

When breathing stops repeatedly, people often wake up–sometimes gasping for air, and sleep becomes fragmented. It also leads to reduced blood oxygen levels, and when O2 concentrations drop, the body releases a surge of adrenaline to try to restore proper levels.Günstige Sexpuppen Adrenaline can make it hard to fall back asleep, but the hormone also stresses the heart, brain, and other organs over time, Gurubhagavatula tells Popular Science.

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Message déposé le 27.08.2024 à 11:10 - Commentaires (0)

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Message déposé le 22.08.2024 à 12:05 - Commentaires (0)

The moon is metal as hell
The first of these processes is micrometeorite impacts, where tiny pieces of space debris rain down with sufficient force to vaporize a small piece of the lunar surface and launch its component atoms into orbit. The second is ion sputtering, where charged particles driven by the solar wind strike the lunar surface.Fantasy Sexpuppen And finally there’s photon-stimulated desorption, where it’s high-energy photons from the sun that knock the alkali metals loose.

As the paper notes, while each process has been well-characterized, previous research has “not conclusively disentangled their [relative] contributions” to the lunar atmosphere. To go about doing this, Nie and her team went right back to the source of the question: the Apollo program. The various crewed missions to the moon in the late 1960s and early ‘70s brought back a total of 382 kg of lunar soil samples, and decades later, these samples are still revealing their secrets to researchers.Young Sex Dolls Nie’s study involved examining 10 samples from five different Apollo missions, including several from Apollo 8, the first manned moon landing.

The team used these samples to look at the relative proportions of different isotopes of potassium and rubidium in the soil. (Sodium and cesium only have one stable isotope each, while lithium is less volatile than its heavier cousins.) As Nie explains to Popular Science, “Lighter isotopes of an element are preferentially released during these processes, leaving the lunar soils with relatively heavier isotopic compositions.Japanische Sexpuppen For elements that are affected by space weathering, we would expect lunar soils to show heavy isotopic compositions, compared to deeper rocks that are not affected by the process.”

The different space weathering processes produce different ratios of isotopes, and the team’s results indicate that it appears that micrometeorite impacts make the largest contribution to the lunar atmosphere, “likely contributing more than 65% of atmospheric [potassium] atoms, with ion sputtering accounting for the rest.”Schwarze Sexpuppen

This provides a valuable insight into how the moon’s atmosphere has evolved over billions of years—while its composition may well vary over shorter timescales, these results suggest that in the long run, micrometeorite impacts play the dominant role in the constant replenishment of the atmosphere.TPE Sex Dolls The study also points to how similar research might be carried out on other objects similar to the moon, like Phobos, one of Mars’s two satellites.

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Message déposé le 06.08.2024 à 11:47 - Commentaires (0)

How Magna works
“Even during the day, there are instances where smoke or fog could impair vision,” says Richard Seoane, Magna’s vice president of operations and business development in the thermal product area. “Divers heading into smoke might think it’s just a short distance to find it’s a mile long; this was the case in California two years ago, when fog caused a 90-car pileup.”Sex Doll Shop
An infrared video camera is mounted in front of the vehicle that senses temperature differences of less than 1/10th of a degree to create a highly detailed thermal image of the roadway scene. Using convolutional neural networks, the software creates three-dimensional data for image classification and object recognition tasks.Schwarze Sexpuppen

In turn, the algorithm is trained to be able to classify these objects within the field of the image, including pedestrians, buses, motorbikes and more. Seaone says the system predicts the vector of travel, which helps the driver in numerous ways . For example, pedestrians don’t move fast, but animals and bikes do. Knowing that information helps driver-assist programs adapt and adjust to avoid a crash.Pregnant Sex Dolls

“Our algorithms detect animals, pedestrians, and cyclists more than 100 meters ahead of the vehicle to alert drivers of such hazards,” Seoane says. He explains that the algorithms can run in a car’s dedicated ECU (electronic control module) or be hosted by a manufacturer’s central computer unit.BBW Sexpuppen

While human eyes can’t register the infrared spectrum, thermal sensing systems can. By detecting very small temperature differences, the technology can differentiate between a mailbox, a deer, or a human, Magna says.

Earlier versions of thermal sensing systems were too large to fit in a trunk.Lebensechte Sexpuppen Today, Magna’s camera is quite small–about the size of a golf ball–and it’s about to get even smaller. The company’s next-gen thermal sensing technology is targeted to debut next year, and it will also include increased visual range to 360 degrees. What that means is better visibility all the way around even in the dark, which addresses back-over accidents that occur primarily with children or small pets. It’s also slated to detect information up to three football fields, which increases stopping time, and potentially saves more lives.

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Message déposé le 11.07.2024 à 08:35 - Commentaires (0)

Warning for modern oceans
After collecting 30 sections of stratified limestone from southern Italy’s Mercato San Severino region, researchers analyzed them for both their amount of uranium and their isotopic variations.Sexpuppen Using a model developed by former Caltech postdoctoral scholar and current Duke University faculty Michael Kipp, the team then determined anoxic levels from the time period.

“Using this model, we found that anoxia peaked at 28 to 38 times of the modern ocean,” says Francois Tissot, a Caltech geochemistry professor and study co-author, said in a statement.Hentai sexpuppen “Today, only about 0.2 percent of the ocean floor is covered with anoxic sediments, similar to those found in the Black Sea. At the time of the T-OAE, 183 million years ago, it was 6 to 8 percent of the ocean floor that was covered in anoxic sediment.”

By better understanding how much greenhouse gas is required to trigger such dramatic levels of ocean anoxia, the team can extrapolate that to humanity’s effects on the environment. And as unfortunate as it is unsurprising, modern society is giving T-OAE a run for its money. Based on researchers’ calculations,Realdoll human emissions since the Industrial Revolution already equate to 12 percent of all CO2 generated during the entire T-OAE—in less than 0.1 percent of the time.

“If we don’t curb carbon emissions and continue on an increasing CO2 trajectory,Dicke Sexpuppen we can clearly see that there will be severe negative impacts on the ocean’s ecosystem,” Tissot said on Monday.

The disconcerting numbers illustrate just how vital it is to rapidly curb society’s disastrous pollution generation in favor of truly sustainable practices.Dunkelhäutige Sexpuppen If we don’t, then it’s clear the T-OAE could look mild in comparison to our impact.

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Message déposé le 03.07.2024 à 11:31 - Commentaires (0)

Inside the secret lives of wombats
Australia’s iconic marsupial has been viewed as a food source, pest, mascot and, now, a conservation concern. Scientists are breaking down myths—using genetics, robots and citizen science—and finding new ways to protect the animals.

This article was originally featured on Knowable Magazine.Sex Dolls

When Sydney hosted the 2000 Summer Olympics, an unlikely hero emerged: an unofficial mascot known as Fatso the Fat-Arsed Wombat. Introduced by comedians, it helped to kick off a wave of love for a critter not always adored by human Australians. Over the centuries, the native marsupial has been eaten in stew and maligned as a pest. Now, it’s a focus of conservation and animal welfare efforts.Real Dolls

Wombats are closely related to koalas and nurture their young in pouches like other marsupials. Of the three species, one is threatened and another endangered, but the bare-nosed wombat (Vombatus ursinus), found in Southeast Australia and Tasmania and thought to number more than a million, is neither. So it’s been studied less than its hairy-nosed cousins.

“This is a species that everyone loves, but just doesn’t know too much about,”Realistische Sexpuppen says Georgia Stannard, an archaeologist at La Trobe University in Bundoora/Melbourne.

Stannard is one of a handful of scientists working to change that, and the efforts are bearing fruit. Over the past decade, research on bare-nosed wombats has revealed characteristics of its subterranean habitat (as explored by robot), the meat cuts most favored by Tasmanian Aboriginal peoples thousands of years ago (head, chest and forelimbs were brought home to the cave), and the intestinal methods responsible for its startling, cube-shaped droppings (which earned a tongue-in-cheek Ig Nobel Prize in 2019). Recent work has also illuminated the worrisome effects of a parasitic disease that first came to the continent with European colonists.Japanische Sexpuppen

Stannard, along with Scott Carver of the University of Georgia in Athens and Alynn Martin of Texas A&M University-Kingsville, summarized the state of knowledge on the bare-nosed wombat in the 2024 Annual Review of Animal Biosciences. In addition to noting its prodigious digging prowess and busting wombat myths (it does not have a square-shaped anus and is unlikely to attain speeds of 25 miles per hour), the authors write that bare-nosed wombats could be in trouble due to dangers from roads and conflicts with people. Climate change and the spread of mange also pose hazards to the remaining populations.Bestseller Sexpuppen

“It’s not a big stretch of the imagination to say within, potentially, I guess 50 to 100 years, that wombats could decline to a point that they would be considered endangered,” Stannard says.

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Message déposé le 24.06.2024 à 12:34 - Commentaires (0)

New experimental black widow venom antidote uses human antibodies
Black widow spiders are among the world’s most venomous spiders, with a toxin that attacks the nervous system. While their bites can be treated with an antidote derived from other animals,Billige Sexpuppen a treatment that fully comes from human antibodies would ultimately be safer to use. A team in Germany is now closer to developing this kind of treatment. The potential therapeutic is described in a study published June 12 in the journal Frontiers in Immunology.Teen Sexpuppen

“For the first time, we present human antibodies which show neutralization of black widow spider venom in a cell-based assay,” study co-author and Technical University of Braunschweig biologist Michael Hust said in a statement.Großer Po Sexpuppen “This is the first step to replace the horse sera that are still used to treat the severe symptoms after a black widow spider bite.”

[Related: Black widows battle their even deadlier cousins in a brutal spider war.]

Earth is home to numerous types of widow spiders, which are also called button spiders in some parts of Africa.Anime Sex Dolls The black, red, and brown varieties are common in North and South America, while Australia has the redback spider. The European black widow is primarily found in the Mediterranean region, but its habitat is expanding due to climate change.

A widow spider’s bite can cause latrodectism, a disease where the neurotoxin alpha-latrotoxin in the spider’s venom attacks the nervous system.Riesige Brüste Sexpuppen It causes symptoms including severe pain, high blood pressure, headache, and nausea.

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Message déposé le 14.06.2024 à 04:25 - Commentaires (0)

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Tous les messages
Sleepy and snoring? You may have sleep apnea
Wie kaufe ich meine Lieblings-Anime-Sexpuppe?
The moon is metal as hell
How Magna works
Warning for modern oceans
Inside the secret lives of wombats
New experimental black widow venom antidote uses human antibodies

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