Le Blog de 11 et 22


A good standing desk can effectively improve your work efficiency and ensure your health.



  1. Standing desks appear to reduce back pain



  1. Using a standing desk may lower blood sugar levels



  1. Standing desks may even boost productivity




4.Standing can lower your risk of heart disease





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If you decide to buy your own sit/stand desk, or you already own one, here are some common mistakes you need to avoid to ensure you sit and stand the right way.

It's no news that standing work has become the new normal in the modern office. Standing desks are popping up in offices around the world as people start to realize the benefits of standing instead of sitting all day. A standing desk can be a great tool for improving your health, productivity and collaboration at work, but be aware that there is a wrong and right way to stand. Here are some common mistakes you want to avoid.

1. Standing for too long
Many people are used to the belief that if you have a (cliquez ici pour suivre le lien)">standing desk, you should be standing all day. This is far from the truth. Research shows that it is actually recommended that you try to stand for two hours at the beginning and eventually four hours a day, alternating between sitting and standing. Too much of anything is a bad thing, so don't negate your standing advantage by giving up sitting entirely.

2. Inappropriate height for standing desks
Even when sitting, many people's desks don't fit their body height, but when standing, when your desk doesn't match your height, it can get really fast.
A good rule of thumb for standing desk posture and height is to keep your elbows at no less than a 90-degree angle and keep your screen at or slightly below eye level. If you're having a hard time getting into a standing routine, or feel like your standing desk isn't doing its magic, a monitor arm can make a world of difference. (cliquez ici pour suivre le lien)">Height-adjustable desk to help you maintain proper standing desk posture.

3. No anti-fatigue mat
If you find your feet are particularly tired from standing all day, you may not have an anti-fatigue standing desk mat. Having a cushion under your feet not only provides you with extra cushion for comfort while standing, but also encourages movement while standing.

4. Stand still
One of the many benefits of standing instead of sitting is better ability to move around while working. Having a contoured standing mat or fun music can help you move around your desk and make the most of your standing time.

5. Bad posture
Posture is very important to our health, yet we rarely pay attention to it in our daily life. Bad posture while standing can really affect how long you can stand and end up making your back pain as bad as sitting. It can also lead to a variety of health problems, from general fatigue to vasoconstriction. To improve your working posture, you should:

  • Stand with head back, hips straight, spine in an "S" curve

  • Maintain good ergonomics: find a good chair with proper pelvic support and knees at 90 degrees

  • Raise monitor height to eye level

  • Tilt the monitor 20 degrees

  • Switch to a standing position every 20-30 minutes

(cliquez ici pour suivre le lien)">(cliquez ici pour suivre le lien)" alt="corner standing desk" width="600" height="400" />

Sitting Tips----While many people choose a (cliquez ici pour suivre le lien)">standing computer desk because they can move more through the day, we know that sometimes you have to sit. As we move towards a healthy life, we believe it is vital that you sit correctly and maintain good posture. Not only will this improve your back and neck condition, but it will also ensure that the benefits of a sit/stand solution are not negated. Below you'll find some tips you can use when you want to sit down.

How to sit at a standing desk

1. Support your back
The first step you can take to reduce back pain is to adjust your office chair or (cliquez ici pour suivre le lien)">electric standing desk bench to support your lower back. Proper support while sitting can reduce stress on the back. Ideally, adjustable chairs allow you to vary height, backrest position and inclination, allowing you to find the most suitable and supported sitting position. Another way to relieve back tension is to keep your knees in line with your hips by lowering the seat or placing your feet on the footrests. When you're sitting in a chair, make sure your hips are pushed back into the chair as far as possible while actively trying to sit up straight, but comfortable and relaxed. As a byproduct of this sitting position, you'll notice that your breathing may be easier because your ribs can move more freely and your spine is supported by the chair.

2. Find the right position for the wrist
In the correct sitting position, you should be able to use the keyboard with your wrists and forearms straight. This is essential for preventing repetitive strain injuries that can damage the wrist and forearm. Your elbows should be against the side of your body, forming an L-shape at the elbow joint, which is the position (cliquez ici pour suivre le lien)">standing desk with keyboard tray creates for you when you're standing at your desk and working.

3. Keep your feet firmly on the floor
One reason we recommend a footrest is that your feet should be firmly on the floor when you sit down. This reduces stress on the back by providing solid support under each leg. Crossing your legs can be comfortable, but can cause hip problems and cut off blood circulation to your legs. It can also cause your back to tilt to one side or the other, putting more pressure on one side and often causing back pain or stiffness.

4. Look forward, not down
Placing your computer screen slightly below eye level reduces stress on your neck and shoulders, which can lead to a hunched back and very poor posture. Keeping the screen at this level also reduces the risk of eye strain, a common complaint of workers who sit in front of computers all day. By angling the screen slightly below your eye level, your neck is in a more natural position, reducing strain on your back.

Once you've mastered these tips, you can start enjoying the benefits of a stand up desk.

Message déposé le 14.05.2022 à 13:16 - Commentaires (0)

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